lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012


They are compounds containing an -SH (sulfydryl) group.

Physical properties:
 - Hydrogen bonding is much weaker that that in alcohols.
 - Lower boiling points that similar alcohols.
 - Less soluble in water and other polar solvents than comparable alcohols.
 - Low-molecular-weight thiols stink.
 - Responsible for smells such as those from rotten eggs and sewage the scent of skunks is due primarily to these two thiols.

Chemical properties:
 - 5-Bonds are longer and weaker than those to oxygen.
 - 5-H bonds are non-polar covalent since 5 is less electronegative than O.
 - No hydrogen bonding.
 - Lower boiling points that comparable alcohol.

An example:


 Condensed formula: CH3-CH2-SH

 IUPAC Name: Ethanethiol

 Common Name: Ethylmercaptan

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